Lost everything when deleting cache

Disaster has struck my onn 4K streaming Device. When trying to delete cache, I accidentally deleted all data along with the cache. Is there a way to retrieve everything, or do I have to install it all and start over?

What exactly did you delete the data of, one of your apps?

yeah you have to input all you’re information again


Afraid you have to reinstall apps you have lost

I thought so. I have another onn that I can use while I spend the weekend reinstalling apps. Is there any reason to install Crew, as RealDebrid is not working. I installed Umbrella with premiumize.me, and it is working fine.

All of them…

Now is a good time to only install what you actually plan to use.


Yes you will have to reinstall everything as has been mentioned , BTW I am using Umbrella with RD and it’s working fine if you still have it. Good luck.

These two sources should be all you need. Saves hunting all over the net. I forgot to mention, the APKTime app is already in Troy’s Toolbox :toolbox: ready for download/install


I believe I have Umbrella installed with premiumize.me. Checked a couple of tv series and all works. Thanks to all for your help and suggestions.


I have to admit I have done the same thing in the past. My fingers got ahead of my brain.

I’m also not having any issues with RD on the Crew, so you might want to a little research into this.


You can install tech doctor uk app killer and cache cleaner to your Onn 4k boxes and pro, best 1.99 youll spend, good for multiple devices with same email address

The video Troy put out a few weeks ago, could make doing the reinstall much simpler. The utility to update, delete apps etc. I tried it, it seems to be pretty cool and lets you set some settings pretty easy.

VIDEO: How to Clone Android TV Device, Remove Bloatware, Mass Install Apps & More

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Real Debrid working 90% as well as before here. It’s working in FenLight, POV, Umbrella and Seren for me.