Local Now 490 Free live TV Chans


It’s been awhile since I last checked out the Localnow app, last time I did it was boring and not well organized. Well when Miki posted this I decided to give it a second look and Wow has it grown up now and well organized with lotsa content and a great selection of concerts.:metal: :sunglasses: :+1:

edit…and it fits right in to projectivy :slightly_smiling_face:


Might help if they tweaked their name.

It has definitely improved since the last time I checked it out a while back. Thanks for the post Miki.

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Can anyone confirm if they’re using the app, reason for asking is that I can stream ok using vpn connected to Detroit. But I’m not having any success with downloading the app for my 4k fire stick, when I open the app store I can see the poster for Local Now but when I select it the message displayed is. The app you are looking for could not be found. Any help is greatly appreciated… Thanks

I actually downloaded the app after Miki posted about it. From the playstore tho…cant vouch for amazon app. Works great and on my vpn.