Loading Stremio with addons for friends

Hi guys. I am wondering if there is a way I can load Stremio with addons installed for friends on a firestick but when they receive it they are still able to sign in to their own account and have their own favorites etc. Is this possible?

I have loaded several for family, it only takes me a few minutes. I sign out of one of my Stremio apps then sign back in using fake email and password. I quickly load Torrentio and Stemming catalog then any other add-ons needed. Then I sign out and give the email and password to the friend/family. Done! Good to Go.

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I think you are mixing up Stremio and Tivimate

Yes just get their email account or set them up with a free protonmail account and create the account on stremio. Once done just give your friend the login details and all addons you put on will be there.
Are you setting up torrentio for them as well?

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Yes wanting to

When i setup for friends i just use same email for stremio and real debrid so i dont get mixed up. I found it easier just to set up protonmail accounts for each account.