Livenettv won’t download on firestick

Livenettv won’t download firestick

Welcome to the community! There has to be more details that you can share with us so that we can try and troubleshoot your issue, no? and choose the FireTV apk. No idea why anyone would use this any more. No live TV events list any more. Just a collection of channel icons.

I guess it depends what you want to watch. I use it as a back up for some US news channels when USTVGO is not working, and I can get a live feed of the main U.K. sports channels. It doesn’t always work perfectly but this is the cord cutting world, and it is free.

Yes sir it’s free. Lots of better options IMHO. but if it works as a backup for you that’s all that matters.

Hi, just curious what your other options might be?

I use an inexpensive IPTV sub and TiViMate.

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the link provedid by troy does not work

try using unlinked app codes are on here just search or use there site

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