Links not working on THE CREW

Every movie I try to watch it either says no links found. Or comes up with 2 that don’t work.
This happened the other day for a bit. But then started coming up with more links


Welcome to the community.

Are you using free version? Meaning not signed up with real debrid? That would be why. Free stuff doesnt stay.

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I am. But like does that mean they won’t ever come back?
Do you have other movie streaming sites I can use?


They come and go. If you want free without real debrid you can try oath addon or stremio. Stremio will need a vpn.

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Are there any actual free vpn? If not what’s the best for price

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If you are looking for Free TV/Movie sources in KODI you are going to be hard pressed. Most of the Dev’s stopped scraping the Free ones. Real Debrid is Cheap and suggest you use it with KODI


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