Library Content Trending, Recent, Recommended

At one point, new movies and tv shows populated in my Kodi library. All of my content was erased and when I reinstalled the addons, the movies and tv shows on the home screen were no longer there. Someone suggested that they were there because of a build I had installed. I don’t remember ever installing a build or manually adding any files to the library. I currently have several addons installed individually. If I install a build now, will it cause any issues with the addons currently installed? I’ve seen the Troypoint article on best builds. Any recommendations from personal experience anyone would like to share? If have an X5 so space is not an issue and have Kodi 20.2 installled. I don’t use Trakt. My primary interest is in having the movie and tv show trending content in the library. If there is another way to accomplish this, please share with the class. Will changing skins show trending content? If so, what are the options and their pros and cons? I tried a different skin once before. It was too complicated for my liking. I’m fine with the Estuary skin. Thank you.