Run Virus Total and check for malware. Had a similar issue and Virus Total found an app I had recently installed that I did not check first due to laziness on my part. Uninstalled that app and Wolf went back to normal.
Btw, that app caused other issues with my OS as well as some other apps.
I’ve followed all the steps to, But I think there is a software problem. Default out of the box it did not see my ethernet connection. Did the troy supercharge but I use FLauncher not wolf and everything fine. then went back and did factory default, update both box and remote and this time connected to ethernet. Did the troy super again and ethernet drop and settings not seeing it. Removed the mouse pointer, browser, and sideloader and ethernet magically appeared. Restarted and everything working for 2 days. Then had sound issue where sound would drop out for a fraction of a second every 7-8 min, thought it might be my Youtube TV but other older box on different tv did not have the problem BTW I did not do the expand internal storage thing. a few hours later remote acting up so I paired with the older box and working fine.
Chinese box quality or software bugs IMO.
Yes, when I booted up the ONN box it would stop at a black screen. So I gave it a voice command to go to settings. Then I turned off USB debugging. After that Launcher Manager and Wolf Launcher started up properly.
I hit wolf-launcher before I hit launcher manager and now I only have a black screen with white letters for four apps and none of them is launcher manager so I can’t go back to the regular Google TV launcher. What can I do? I was setting up my new One streaming device following Troy’s supercharge video and hit the wolf-launcher before he said use the Launcher manager to install the wolf-launcher. My mistake clearly, but what can I do to fix it?
Same thing happened to me after launch manager froze my Home Screen, turn it black, here is how I got it fixed… it fixed by using google voice to ask for settings, then apps, enable google, and it fixed it all good again.
i’m stuck at the black screen and can’t get out of it. i’ve tried using Google Voice to open Settings, Apps, and then Enable Google, but it doesn’t seem to be working. how are you using Google Voice to accomplish this? what specifically are you saying? thank you.
Hey Kmiller
I’m in the process of setting up my Onn box and ran into the same issue. Troy mentioned a step was missed. I did not miss a step. I’m watching the YouTube video and pausing and rewinding at every step to get it right.
Now I stuck in launch manager and cant get out. To reset and start over is not really what I want to do.
Is that an easier way to do this with loosing all the settings and apps I’ve downloaded?
Problem solved …I unplugged, replugges and the launched is working fine. I will stick with the Google home screen.
We all cannot be experiencing the same issue by missing a step. There is more to the freezing.