Kodi's space usage on Sony Android tv

My Kodi 19.3 uses 5.2 Gb of available 8.5 Gb space on my Sony Android tv. I have 8 addons, no builds. There seems to be stuff piled up somewhere. I often get a low space available error. Deleting the cache gives some respite but in a few days the error returns.
I have updates turned off at my Google Play store account.
Any ideas on how to identify the clutter and dispense with it?
Thanks Troy and troyfriends for all you do.

If you don’t have a wizard installed for cleaning out excess junk this will happen. Many choices, I use the Crew wizard with maintenance scheduled on every startup. Clean cache, bookmarks and packages.


i use sd maid seems ok

Why do you need 8 Addons? I run a Build because the Group I use has maintained it for several years but I really have only used 1 or 2 Addons (The Crew, 9Lives) for the past 6 months or so.

5.2gb seems awfully large. I have a custom build with more than a dozen addons and that’s taking a little more than 1gb
Maybe by chance you’ve downloaded an uncached torrent onto your KODI? :person_shrugging:

My thoughts exactly. They could have accidentally downloaded a movie, or perhaps 2.

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