Kodi Updates Make Horrible Experience For Users

I wish the developers would update Kodi all at once instead of the way they update presently. The way do it makes it hard to enjoy Kodi. At the very least they could send a heads up that they’re working or gonna be working on updating in advance.

You do understand that these developers are unpaid Hobbyists and the good ones spend a lot of time fixing issues so you can watch your TV Shows/movies for Free right? Cord cutting is going to require some effort and learning on your end and unfortunately Shi$ happens, things break, and need to be fixed. Just be happy that you have these developers who on their own time are willing to fix them. fortunately this site is a wealth of knowledge. Spend some time here it is well worth it.


I am certainly no expert but there is always a stable version of Kodi which is 20.2 at the moment. The developers put their Alpha and Beta versions on their website so that other developers can help them improve these releases. When they are happy with it it becomes the next stable release …so stick with the stable releases and no more horrible experiences.

its not mandatory to update if the version your using works ok stick with it no rush