Kodi streams don't work even with real debrid

LOL okay Pal. You just lost a lot of credibility in my book. Saying something you don’t use regularly has been having issues when the fact is it’s not. Why would you do this? Unless the issue is on your end which it obviously is because I’m watching shows on the Crew yet you say it’s been having issues for a while. It’s okay to be wrong just admit it but don’t spread false information to others. How can we help you get the Crew working for you? Are you on the latest KODI version? Do you have days left on your RD Sub?

Thanks for your reply. I probably won’t be able to respond anymore tonight because I have to work tomorrow. Im sure I have the crew repository but I don’t know how to get to it to install Homelander. If you can explain that, it would be very helpful. I have fen installed but without a calendar it’s not very convenient so we haven’t tried it much. I don’t know if the problem is with my equipment or something else. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated!

Couple of things Tracy,
Fen doesn’t have a calender, but it does have places to look for suggestions.

Goto TV Show. You’ll see popular, premiers, up coming, etv.

For Homelander, goto Add-on. Above the Video add-ons, you’ll see My add-ons, available updates, Recently updated & Install from repository.

Select Install from respository>THE CREW REPO.>Video add-ons.
Homelander will be the 6th one on the list.

Have a good night.

I just tried fen and it can’t even find one of the shows I’m looking for. Homelander has a TV calendar but all I got was uncashed torrents which won’t play. Other shows won’t play either. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to spend more time on this. I appreciate everybody’s help. Feel free to respond but I won’t respond back till tomorrow. Have a good night!

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Use stremio. It lists all the future shows that you like to watch. Also if you put stremio on your PC it’ll show a calendar of all future shows coming up.

Sounds to me like Real Debrid expired and/or the crew isn’t authorized anymore. Try checking your subscription status on the Real Debrid website and then reauthorize the crew again.

I am happy to report after further testing that The Crew does in fact work fine and pick up all of the sources like it always used to. Many people out there for the past 4-8 months were complaining of Crew issues, not just the Insider, and when I tried I experienced them as well. I just assumed the developer was giving up. Good news, I was wrong and it pulls plenty of premium links with RD, bad news is the OP still has some of the issues that have been around with the Crew. Mark will get you all fixed up in no time, just wanted report back after further testing.

Thanks for this useless post. Next time man up and admit you were wrong. It seems like you are just not capable of this. You read something somewhere else that the Crew was having issues and you took that information as being correct and gave that false info to the OP yet you admitted you were not even using the Crew much. That’s just wrong @AMD237 yet you say I just want to fight with you. No I am just saying your info is not correct and you can’t admit it. “I assure you there is no problem on my end” LOL

If you want to go after me, do it in a DM, email, phone call, whatever. Leave this useless, juvenile garbage out of this forum.

I have nothing to say to you in a DM that I won’t say here. Just calling you out for giving false info to the OP. It’s okay to admit there is an issue on your end. But again I don’t think you are capable of being wrong ever

EDIT: @AMD237 I received your DM and I have no issue with you. again the issue is you said “The Crew has not been good for a while” and you also said that you have not been using it much. I only pointed out that you are wrong and the Crew is working great. The issue is you think you know everything and are not man enough or are incapable to simply admit you were wrong. That is all. I will not reply to your DM

I just tried a couple shows on the “promise” add-on. It works great. Whatever the problem is with your Kodi, I know not. But as of 5 mins ago is not “the promise” add-on.

Just an observation, seeing alot of hostilities of late here on the Insider and being a huge fight sport fan I’m wondering if Troy could add another lounge with an Octagon or Boxing ring in it for people who just feel like getting it on! :rofl::joy:
Everybody have a great day :confused:
P.S - Kodi and RD are working here.

I’m not sure Papa. I have never had wrong intentions, openly admit that I am wrong all the time. I’m not sure why Mark has an issue with me, whether I am wrong about the Crew or not. I hope @TROYPOINT doesn’t let this type of behavior become acceptable.

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I think everyone should be able to give a personal opinion anytime, anywhere without being attacked. But that’s just my opinion :sweat_smile:


@AMD237 I previously told you I am not going to respond to your DM’s yet you continue to message me? There is nothing more to be said about this. Please let it go and move on

When you have time, slowly go through Jayhawk’s “Kodi” video in the link that he posted.

Also, with what you are reporting, there’s something that you are missing when setting up Real Debrid in the Crew and Homelander and Fen.

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I know you are trying to work out your RD issues but have you considered using Trakt TV? In addition to keeping track of the shows/movies you are watching it also has a very good Calendar Function and will show you what’s upcoming for the shows you watch and/or all the shows. The Filters are really good


Yes please everybody move on with your personal differences get over it move on.


elginherd - Thanks for your reply. I will check out Jayhawks video this evening. While I am no expert, I have been using Kodi for about 6 years. I know my real debrid has not expired. I get “premium” links, they just don’t play. This happened all of a sudden, after using the latest update on Kodi for awhile. It makes no sense. My favorite show is called “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” and I can’t even find it on Fen. My wife watches the Real Housewives, Love Island, shows like that. With Love Island, they are several episodes into the latest season, but we can only get episode 1 to play. We have started using Youtube TV, but that doesn’t even have the Skinwalker show as well as others we like. I hope there’s a solution because I don’t like paying for Youtube TV. Thanks for your help!

MarkxG - Thanks for your reply. I do use Trakt but have not explored its options much. It is helpful to keep teack of which episodes we’ve seen, but I’ve had times where it thinks I’ve seen an episode when I actually haven’t. But that’s a secondary issue. There’s no point in keeping track of episodes I’ve seen when I can’t get anything to play! I’ve tried reinstalling Kodi and addons, even tried changing the password on my router, to no avail. Supposedly Jayhawk has a video that will be helpful but I can’t watch it till this evening so I don’t know yet. I’ve used Kodi for years and never had a problem till now. I’ll let everybody know if I get it fixed. Thanks again!