Kodi open screen change with Crew addon

I just updated kodi from 19.5 to 20 and added the Crew addon. When Kodi opens up it different than previously and not as simple as the Kodi 19,5 Did they change it and is it possible to change back to the original initial crew which saves a step and easier to use. Thanks

I’m opening The Crew up in Kodi 20, I don’t see a difference. If it is the home screen of Kodi you don’t like, customize it. What is it about the new Crew you don’t like?

(FYI, I also don’t think The Crew is fully functional in Kodi 20 yet)

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You can change the opening splash screen by replacing the skin in Settings> Interface. I still use Confluence.

Thank you very much. Worked like a gem.

I now once again, re-open Cody with the new interface, and none of the movies, or any of the TV channels are on there, so how to put it back to the original face which comes with it

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