I have a really strange problem on my Xiaomi android stick home screen. Generally when I click on the Kodi (20.2) icon, it will not open but instead goes to a blank screen. Sometimes I have to retry 5 or 6 times until it finally opens. Some days I give up after 7 or 8 tries.
Once Kodi is open it works fine.
All the other icons, Netflix, Prime, etc. work instantly – only the Kodi icon has this problem.
I have reinstalled Kodi twice but still get the same issue.
Any ideas?
It needs the cache clearing and repowering up, .
In a firestick you go into Settings/ applications/ manage applications/ kodi/clear cache, then power it down and re apply power, this should make it work, you might not have a lot of memory for Kodi and the apps.
Thanks Kryten! worked just as you said.
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