Kodi addons non real debrid

Hi all, just a question. I currently use seren which works well for me. However, I do have trouble finding links to less popular tv shows, especially sit coms. Just wondering if anyone can recommend a good addon for non real-debrid links which might have more obscure tv shows.

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If you don’t use Real Debrid, how are you successfully using Seren? It is one of the add-ons that requires it.

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I do use real debrid, I am trying to find a good non real debrid addon as a second option while searching tv shows

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Confused if you already pay for RD as you said above why would you want to look for a Non Debrid Addon? RD Addons will always have more playable streams than non RD Addons


The dude is just askin if their are any non debrid addons that may find more " obscure " shows. I get ya .

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No, not really. RD enabled stuff will always find more. The other option would be to try stremio.

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There are a fair amount of older shows on the Pluto, Stirr & Tubi apps.


Stremio is excellent, just make sure u got that vpn enabled.
BTW, is there a way to reduce black bars top n bottom of screen , w/stremio ?

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