As all Sport Fans here on TroyPoint and around the globe get ready for the big event this weekend, let take a moment to thank those who toil so hard to produce the equipment a lot of us take for granted. I remember our families first color tv and how exciting that was as we all gathered around to watch a show in actual color. I remember when calculators first came out and how fantastic it was to get results of a complicated problem. As a young Electrical Engineeer in my youth and college days I remember struggling to grasp the myriad complicated charts, graphs, and how hard the math was, even pre-programming pseudo-code did not come easy for me. I persisted, and thankfully so as I was able to earn a decent living post graduation. Keeping up with technology and it’s seemingly light-speed pace of advancement was (and still is) a challenge. I’m still working in Information Technology and Electrical to this day. Semi-retired so to speak, but I am more busy now than when I punched the clock, and LOVE IT! I just watched a great documentary that made me think about a lot of the struggles I endured while in college, and how I am so so grateful I did not drop out back then. For those that like stuff like EE and how things are developed this should be an interesting view. I thought about all of you, as I learn so much on here from all who share their knowledge and freely give advice and share. Ranging from how you do setups, favorite devices and software and just general cool stuff a lot of you are up to. While we all watch our big screens this weekend and stream on our favorite devices, just take a second to acknowledge the awesome technological times we live in, and those tireless hours so many have put in to develop what we enjoy on a regular basis.
I remember when I bought my first 4 function calculator. I was taking Trig in college and was using the calculator on a test. I didn’t feel comfortable with the results so I pulled out my slide rule to check my answers. Those were the days!
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