Is there an issue with the hosted downloads?

Im trying to setup a firestick using Downloader, but when I put in the URL links, even for the troypoint app, its just sending me to the tutorial page instead of triggering the download.

The troypoint app url seems to lead to a dead page now, too.

Thanks for any guidance!


Welcome to our community!

Make sure you are watching the entire setup video. You need to make sure unknown sources is on which is explained in the video.

Also make sure you are using our search function as it’s been explained.

You also get a email with this information as well.

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yes, I’ve setup quite a few sticks. It may be worth while having someone take a look at the hosted downloads as they seem to be offline. the /tpapp leads nowhere right now as well.


I’m currently investigating the troypoint app. I will report back.

If you have Downloader installed use this url:

Put that in there and it gets you unlinked, use password 12341234 and install apps that way for now.


Website problems this morning. Should be working now. Thank you.