Is DISH Network Heading for Bankruptcy? What Live TV Streaming Alternatives Are There for Sling TV Customers?

Is DISH Network Heading for Bankruptcy? What Live TV Streaming Alternatives Are There for Sling TV Customers? – The Streamable

Poor Charlie Ergen…note sarcasm lol…

It’s not only due to cord cutting that is costing them loads of subscribers.Losing channels in disputes,especially over local channels frustrates even loyal customers to no end.Just as an example they still have yet to resolve a dispute with cox media and their host of local channels.Our local dma is a part of that dispute.Don’t get me wrong those media conglomerates are greedy bastages,but good old Charlie goes under the pretense that he is fighting to keep your bill lower.The reality is you go without many channels you actually are paying for even though they are blacked out.

He never did bring back the rsns which they sort of got their come comeuppance as well,but still many mlb/nba/nhl fans had no choice but to ditch Dish or go without their favorite team.

Seems like the Verified IPTV Streaming space is Shrinking. Would be curious to see if unverified IPTV space is growing and if so how much? The data may not be practical to get as a lot of these companies are underground and they come and go daily and don’t need to provide sub numbers to anyone. Interested if unverified is still looked at as a niche based on the legality of it and the work to maintain and setup as well

Charlie :eyes: going broke ! Wont loose any sleep :sleeping: over it .

To someone who knows more than I do about the financials of these type of satellite companies why is Dish Network in the dirt. Do they make some bad decisions or is it just from low subscriptions? I know DirecTV was supposed to been sold off by AT&t but now I’m not so sure. I know that the DirecTV stream is completely different than directv satellite.

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not sure but I once used SlingTV. They claim to have options and better pricing but my issue was the packages. Orange you get 3 streams, blue you get 1. That dont cut it for a fam of sports lovers…example espn is blue meaning 1 stream? Never understood that. I know it kept cost down but 1 stream is just stupid imho.

It could be the broadcast companies are demanding more and more money!

Dish was fighting a losing battle years ago as cable and satellite tv share was eroding at an escalating rate as internet streaming and IPTV were taking off. Instead of modifying, improving and adapting their business model to be cheaper and more efficient, Dish blew it by trying to sue their IPTV competition and pass on their rate increases from broadcasters to their subscribers as their solution to declining revenues and profitability. It backfired big time and they are hemmoraging subscribers to the point of bankruptcy.

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that’s definitely one of the biggest factors.but charlie also spent millions on spectrum bidding.he had great designs on either selling it off at a profit,or building out his own cell one time they were trying to be an all in one provider,tv,phone,and never did really work out.also years ago he bought out the blockbuster company.that also kind of fell he has made 100’s of millions of dollars but imo some pretty bad business decisions.


I should have shares in Dish stock, given all the crazy money I paid them for their tv service many years back.

Though with the decline of echostar stock, I may not be missing out on much opportunity.

I’ve been using Directv syreaming for almost a year now, and its almost perfect. For me it’s only drawback is that I’m unable to see the local news anytime of the day or night like cable. Otherwise i love the abilities to pause a show or movie, to record anything, including series that i enjoy and its unlimited recording without any charges.
It’s so sar one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. No more Spectrum Rectum for us.

We were Sling customers for a time. For the price point that was half of what the other verified services that had the content that we wanted, it’s a deal in comparison.
I’m not a Charlie apologist by any means for a couple of personal experiences which I don’t want to type out. BUT, some of the unverified services do, in fact use Sling streams. So it’s not good news if they go under.

I was a Dish sub from 1998 to 2018, I think. The cost wasn’t as much the issue but the terrible customer service. Once they got their hooks into it seemed they no longer appreciated long term customers. Breaks and such never applied to existing customers and only were for new people. New required equipment had a price tag instead of being free. The increasing costs was the back breaker after all. I got into streaming and stuff before that and as it got better and better, I knew this would be the way to go eventually. Took on YouTubeTV and it was pretty good but not quite as expensive as Dish. I just cancelled it today so streaming is my future. Even my wife is getting better everyday with it


Screw Dish. We still need people to pay for service tho…lol.

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