IPV's Wireguard down?

I tried connecting 3 devices to IPV, all of which were set on Wireguard protocol.

None connected, even after trying different cities and servers. I changed two of them to OpenVPN, and they connected regardless of the server location. I had to shop around because some of the speeds were below 10 Mbps down.

I haven’t contacted CS because it’s too time consuming. Fortunately, Proton VPN is available and fast, but I only have one device at a time with that.

10 mbps Ouch! Why 1 device at a time with Proton? you have multiple devices covered unless your using free version.

The free version is what I have.
I kind of regret re-upping IPV.
I think I should’ve bought a paid Proton subscription instead.

Indeed, I never have too many problems with Proton.

Wireguard has not been added by some IP suppliers. So if not supported then use openVPN either UDP or TCP. For most the better one is TCP which should give you a good balance of speed and security. This isn’t an IPVanish issue, and is why a variety of protocol options are available within the app.

Wireguard is working again this morning.