IPTV local channel swirls at 7 am

Anyone experience local channel quits at 7am everyday. It only swirls. Works fine from 5am to 7am.


Sorry I don’t understand your post. Is “Local channel” an app? Is this on a specific paid service? Don’t mention any by name as this violates the rules. What IPTV player is this on? Is this channel maybe not “live” or 24/7? Sorry but with out details it’s impossible to even be able to suggest anything. I’m just stabbing in the dark and hoping to hit something.

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Not sure what you’re using for “local channels”…but if its an IPTV service (in my experience with numerous iptv subscriptions over the years) their live servers are probably the shakiest with the bazillion “local channels” they offer…I’ve seen my service (stable & normally very good) falter with my local network stations more so than any of the other mainstream cable/satellite type channels. Without getting too wonky, the feeds for network channels (that an iptv service are scraping) are different/less stable than the other cable/satellite channels such as TNT, History, Smithsonian, Nat Geo etc.

Also…7am is generally when local network stations go nationwide…

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Thanks for your input Miki. Pangaeatech answered my question.

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Thanks for your input Pangaeatech. Very helpful.

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100%. Most of the time I don’t even use my IPTV for local channels. Getting an antenna has always been much more stable for me when I watch NBC, ABC, CBS, etc. I run it through my Media Server/Plex by attaching a tuner and having Plex Pass. That allows me to watch it on all my Plex apps in my house.
Supported DVR Tuners and Antennas | Plex Support

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Copy all that…I accidentally replied back to you instead of Sarge :roll_eyes: Anyway, I do the same…have an OTA antennae set up for my local channels & very seldom use the ones provided by my IPTV service. If I do, it’s usually only for NBC, which I just can’t get very well…tower is farther away & lots of pine trees in my way. If I select a network station from a large city, I can usually get a good stream…but not always, so I have a few of each network from different cities in my favorites & use as needed.

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I do the same. I use an antenna for all locals. Doing it for 12 years now and it’s been most reliable for locals :100:

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