Installing Glive on KODI

When installing Glive Respository doesn’t work.

are you saying repo not loading

Yeah. I am following the Troypoint video for for installing the Glive, Ever step in the video works up to install the Glive repository. I can install the repository.Glive,zip file successfully, however when I try to install the Glive Repository it doesn’t install like the video.

Dan Figg


strange i just installed it to see what it was like and it all went ok maybe delete yours and redoe it do you have anything running that may block it check that to

What are you suggesting I might delete (KODI)? I don’t think I have anything running that would block the installation of the Glive Respiratory. The Glive ZIP file installs ok. When I run the Glive repository file I don’t get a list of available sites (as shown in the Troypoint video) I get a KODI screen with several options.


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You typed the glive repo address into file manager, then you clicked install from zip file and chose that glive address, after it installed you went back and clicked install from repo?

I am experiencing the same problem. In your video everything is the same except when I reach 08:25 than it changes completely. It goes into G-Live Repository with the only options are Auto-Update, Disable, Version and Uninstall. I followed each step as in the video.

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I too am having the same problem. No TV listings of any kind. On the “Add-ons/G-Live Repository” screen
I get the following options:
:gear:Add-on repository
:gear:Music add-ons
:gear:Program add-ons
:gear:Video add-ons
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled (following every step in the video) twice with the exact same outcome.
Somebody PLEASE help!

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That’s what you’re supposed to see. You have to go into the Video add-ons and install an addon first.


@Tech2 is right follow his instructions the app works fine

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Thanks! @Tech2 you are dead on

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I too am having this problem. Glive shows installed but it did not give the list. It worked fine until that point.

I have glive in my file source and get message saying unable to connect …couldn’t retrive directory information.Would you like to add it anyway? …I have no idea if I should add anyway or not!

Found this Kodi addon while searching for a tvapp alternative. Located in the G-Live repo under video addons it works really well. It’s included in the Xenon Burst version but I linked the zip file if needed.
Grais has Live TV, movies, tv shows, live sports and sprts replays. I don’t have any debrid but found it plays live shows skip free by testing some live channels and the 2023 Super Bowl replay.

I typed in the G live address exactly as Troy says in his video. I too am not able to get it to work. Is there a new URL for G live?

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How to download on firestick

The repository is down (for now).

Does any one know why the g-Live repository is down? I want to download the Mega IPTV add-on but the repository seems dead… and/or if you know of another source/repository of where I could get the Mega IPTV add-on and would share the info with me I sure would appreciate it…

Both seem down. The build i use has G Live Repo included but it no longer works. When doing a version check it say No versions available for this addon.

Mega IPTV seems down too. When i click on it it offers nothing except episodes of Echo. But even if you wanted to punish yourself the episodes are no longer available. :grin:

Thats all i got. Not sure if or when they will come back.

Exactly people rush to judge ment this morning same here. Just posted about that I’m sure someone will do the same thing combined I saw your post and I clicked it somebody combined it and then sent you to the respiratory to install the respiratory you already have the respiratory what you’re saying is it’s failed that means it’s been shut down thank you Bush read before they do stuff anyway I’m not a good mood this morning and I want to say something I’m not gonna regret because I see all the time they do it to me anyway once if I see anything out got your text you let you know because you can’t be the rat because it just went down you know if it was a month later and you started asking hey where can I get this respiratory then I’ll be a little suspicious. Sorry voice to text toyes it’s own thing u got the picture. Also I just remember if you go on the respiratory I have Cody if you go on the respiratory and you click on it pause for respiratory and g live they do transfer you to see video add-ons and the information so it’s not down it’s just they’re not it’s not installing I just think that out as I’ll type it because usually if it shut down when you go to click on the respiratory it’ll say can’t connect it’s connecting but it’s just not what you download yet maybe they’re working on it that’s probably what it is