Individual EPG logo's in Tivimate

Hi All,
Does anyone know if you could easily add a logo in Tivimate without changing other empty EPG’s My provider is missing a whole bunch,
but there guide is spot on , there Logo’s are just missing,

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I know it is possible to add logos. I have seen it in the menu…Appearance, Logos…I have not gone through the whole process, though. I’d be interested to learn right along with you if someone has done this before.

I have not done this but I would think you need to create a logos folder in an accessible location on your drive and then from within tivimate direct it to the logo.

Yes, you can change the logos. I did a loooong time ago. It was somewhat of a chanllenge, but I did get it done

I remember having some issues and never did really pursue it.

Leave well enough alone :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You just need to make a folder for your logos and then download the logos you want, Then go into Tivimate settings>Appearance>Logos>Logos Foder>Select Folder

Then play around with inexact matching and probably should clear logos cache. Then go up and select Logos priority>Prefer logos from folder

If you get frustrated as I did. Then you can just click back on Prefer Logos from EPG. Then everything goes back to the way it was.

My problem was when I changed one logo for some reason many of them changed to the same logo, or all the logos would change to the same thing. For some reason I couldn’t just change one target logo and then another. That’s when I gave up. It wasn’t that big of deal to me to get that frustrated. Besides, my OCD was working overtime! lol

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I think that is the original question. Can you change the individual channels and select their logo? I was looking, I don’t see a way to do it, even if you set up the folder, etc. Would be cool if you could though.

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Yes that is exactly what happens, all blank logos change to just the ones you download you would have to download every logo that is missing, and rename it what ever the channel it is,
Too complicated and time consuming,
I guess I will rely on assign EPG menu and pray I have enough EPG sources,

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