How to Install YouTube ReVanced for Ad-Free YouTube on Android

Recently Troy posted a video on You Tube Revanced. I installed it and it worked for a few weeks, now the video plays for 10-20 seconds and then buffers and won’t stop. Has anyone else experienced this?:Are the You Tube developers trying to block You Tube Revanced?


What version do you have?

I am using a samsung phone and tablet.

I think 1.21.0 Dev 3

Thats the latest I can see? hmm I will say google is after all blockers right now and the devs might be waiting on things to cool before another release,

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Originally published at:

Use the guide below to learn how to Install YouTube ReVanced on your Android mobile device or tablet for a completely ad-free YouTube experience! We provide both a video guide as well as a screenshot tutorial but we strongly recommend viewing the video below that details important information you need to know when installing this…

Didn’t work for me. Every video goes to freeze - buffering mode.

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What device are you trying to install it on?

Pixel 7

i just installed it on my flip 5 phone following troys guide (the step by step picture format) and i had to do alittle back stepping to make sure i could do the next step. he used chrome and i used brave browser so it didn’t show the same promps the way it showed so i did a few extra steps to reach the spot he was at.
But i made sure i did everything he said to do and now i am logged in and working fine.
1 step i did that he didn’t say to do was i forced stop after i disabled youtube app.

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Installed three times each on Android phone and on Fire tablet HD10. Got exactly same results, 10-15 secs of play followed by never ending spooling. Fully uninstalled all component APKs, and carefully reinstalled each time. Gave up. Not worth the trouble. Watch now on Fire sticks or with ads on phone or Tablet.

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Having the same issue. Uninstalled and tried again with the same results.

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I installed it on my Samsung S20, same thing, plays for roughly 10 seconds then just a spinning circle. Uninstalled it put it back on but same thing

I use Newpipe TBO on everything for an alternative to the proper youtube app, it’s been brilliant for years and you can download full videos music etc no need for a login eather but works on my android phone and firestick next Gen version perfectly try it they have a website Newpipe search it up on Google

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well since i got a update on my phone i now have this same issue… what a bummer

Is the Revanced Manager 1.20.1 currently working for any one or is there still issues with it ??

Revanced Manager version 2.0.9 am use but issue with video lot explicit version verify to decline systems am use youtube revanced video is troubled am use to be less aggressive. But kindly help out . Just be normal surfaces. Kindly help to solve. Act stupid . Remove author . But said please truly need your help.
