How to Install TeaTV on Firestick, Fire TV, & Android TV

Originally published at: How to Install TeaTV APK V10.9.7 (Dec. 2024 Update)

This article explains how to install TeaTV on Firestick, Fire TV, Android TV/Google TV devices. V10.3.7 is the most recent version of this application which was released in September 2023. TeaTV is a free streaming application that provides users with numerous free Movies & TV Shows for viewing. It offers a wide array of content…

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After the new update of TeaTV v10.7.4 the subtitles don’t automatically display even if I select them in Play with subtitles. I need to get them again .
I need to stop the movie and then go to CC in top right corner and ask to Search sub by name.
Is this a known bug ?
In the Setting, I’m loggin with OpenSubtitles.
Can you re-propose the previous version which was working perfectly please ?

Did you ever get this resolved? I am same issue with most recent Official VERSION

A friend of a friend asked me if Tea TV was still a thing and I didn’t have an answer - What’s the status these days?


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Riddled with ads now so off the radar for me.

Good morning @sktn77a . I wonder if the TDUK DNS Switcher with an ad blocker and encrypted DNS would stop those ads. Worked on a couple of my apps.

Can anyone help me since I’ve signed up for Premiumize and added it TeaTV I can’t get a video to play it’s just blue I can hear it but can’t see it and then I can’t even exit it i have to restart it. It only happens when I have Premiumize on if I turn it off it works. If this is in the wrong place can it be moved for me. As you can tell I’m not to good with things.

Thank @Miki

What device are you using? I don’t use TeaTV but was there a configuration panel that you authorized PM in by adding the API key?

Firestick I’m not sure if there was one

When you configure PM in TeaTV you must add an API key somewhere. Did you not do that?
I just spent the time to do a full install of TeaTV and added PM. Works perfectly on my Shield Pro. Added the PM API key where it asked me to and logged in. I get a lot of links but not sure how to determine if any are PM links. Looking around to see how they are labeled in TeaTV. No luck yet.

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I’ll have to look in to API i see what it is. Nice one for the help

API Key is Application Program Interface Key. The series of numbers and letters can be found in your PM account. You can copy it down then enter it in the TeaTV settings.

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Appreciate that thanks for all your help

Look in settings for the PM account . That’s where you authorize your account .

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Ive been trying now too sort it now for about a hour getting nowhere I’m only good at doing stuff following links or videos I will just have to use something else I wish i new how to do it all properly Thanks for trying to help me

Lets start with the basics. Do you know how to get into your Premiumize account panel?

Do you know how to open TeaTV and find “settings?”

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Sorry for late reply we are in different time zone. Yeah i know how to get in to the settings

Yeah i know how to do that. I’m bloody useless that’s why I’m on here for help other wise i wouldn’t know how to sort anything

Well I might start from scratch. Clear the app out and then follow Troy’s tutorial on installing TeaTV and setting it up. PM me if you get to a point where you’re stuck and I can walk you through it.

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