How to find a torrent for a video?

I would like to learn how to find a torrent with a magnet of an obscure video and get Real Debrid to load it so I can watch it. Is there a tutorial for this?

If it’s truly obscure, it may just not be out there anywhere. If it’s in the public domain, google it - there may be a YouTube version available. If not, install Stremio with RD and search for the video. If its available, you can download it. What is the video?

No, we wont be asking for vids by name and how to get them this way.

Also troy has a guide on real debrid as a torrent client.

Troy publishes a guide to the best torrent sites regularly. That’s where I would start the search for the torrent/magnet link to the video. How are you planning to play the torrent once you find the link? Via Stremio?

Or can you simply download the video file to storage using the magnet link, then play from storage (for example, download to a tablet and cast from the tablet to the TV)? That would not require Real Debrid.

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How can one find a torrent magnet for a specific video and where does one put in the Real Debrid account? How does all this work? Has Troy ever done one of his tutorials on the subject?

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Start by searching on TroyPoint for the Troy list of best Torrent sites. They are all web based. Troy has instructions also on how to install a torrent player eg. BitTorrent. Search on one of the recommended sites for your movie/TV show. If one site comes up empty, try another. They go to different sources. If you find it you’ll be offered the option of downloading the magnet (you get an MP4 file to play) or getting the url with the torrent.

I have never tried to paste the torrent url into Stremio or Real Debrid to stream the show, but it should be possible.


Install an app called TorrSe. It is a torrent search engine. Simple search with it, when you find what you want, click on it. On the right side , you will see a circle with an arrow, click it , it will give you the option to open in Stremio. I do want to emphasize >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I like that solution. All the websites mentioned in TroyPoint plus more, in one location.

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