There are a few older threads about this, just wondering if there is a new/easy way to fully CLONE a fully setup firestick4k? Cloning meaning copy all side-loaded apps and settings to a new virgin firestick? There has to be an easy way to do this?
Nope. Not to my knowledge.
There isn’t. The best bet is to have a list of your favourite apps and install them by using say Troy’s Toolbox. Apps update so regularly.
If this is really important to people then you should look at building something like a Raspberry Pi or similar device where everything runs off of a memory card. You can easily clone those and pop them in another device.
Today Troy loaded a video on installing multiple apps with one program.(really fast)
If you are looking to keep settings…not sure yet…I have not tried it.
Maybe kodi might keep settings…but he demonstrated that SurfShark does not.
Hope that helps
13 hours ago (edited)
FAQ This section will be filled in with most common questions that come through comments below. Q. Will Android TV Tools work on Mac or Linux? A. No, only Windows. Q. Does Android TV Tools work with Amazon Fire TV devices? A. No, only Android TV/Google TV systems.
Adb link is only way I know
I use the “Send Files to TV” app. It’s kind of advertised as mobile phone to TV but actually I use it for device to device, between devices on the same television and between devices on one television to another.
You need a file manager, I use Mixplorer, but anything you can copy an APK to a directory and install an APK with will work.
I recently used it to setup the Onn 4k Pro that I grabbed when the sale info was posted on here, thanks! to that poster. I’ve used it between Firesticks, between Onn devices and between Firesticks and other Android devices, Onn, Google Chromecast, Firesticks.
It’s not cloning. You have to install the apps and you need to be reasonably proficient with the file manager and some aspects are kludgy but that’s in part because of my lack of patience.
Clearly if you do cloning or bulk app installs a lot then using the Windows Android Tool Kit is probably worth while but for me, My newest laptop is Windows 7 and truthfully I don’t use it much, printer server for my phone and a terminal server for some rack mount system when I need to, not often.
But if you have ever wanted to move one or more apps from one device to another rather than trying to find a good source for it (RB and SportsFire comes to mind) it’s really pretty easy to do so. Additionally I can easily use it export and import Projectivy configurations too.
Apps2Fire app works great… I have it on my Samsung Ultra plus all my TV apps so all is needed is to copy/install from phone to Firestick… never tried it on an android box but maybe I will today and update this post… you have to connect your phone to the Firestick via wifi first. GP has the app.
I use Easy Fire tools (EFT), I used Send Files to TV to download a few apps to my phone and I am heading to a friend’s over Christmas and will use the EFT to install on his Firestick.
Sounds like the app you’re using works about the same but the issue I have had is getting Apps to my phone as EFT doesn’t download APKs, at least I haven’t figured that out. Oh, EFT will work with any Android device, not just Firesticks as the name kind of implies.
But I will look at that app too, I’ll replace EFT if it works better. Thanks.
I thought apps2fire needed the ADB to work and that’s been disabled on the sticks by Amazon?
I looked at it and it does try to use ADB, I have an up-to-date (OS wise) Firestick Lite I tried it with.
So here’s the big surprise, it open the ADB box to allow access, I accepted. It uploaded a app but the install failed, I open Mixplorer and found the uploaded app in the Download directory, I installed it and that worked from MiXplorer.
I know ADB doesn’t work on this Firestick, so I deleted an app (Tablo app) and tried again to install from my phone. It failed the install from App2Fire but did upload the app, I found it in download again, used Mixplorer to install. It installed but didn’t open correctly. Same result with two different apps.
I used Mixplorer to update an app and move to the USB, the process requires uninstalling and reinstalls, Mixplorer worked fine, both app installed and worked.
So, in my opinion App2Fire no longer works.
The app can’t download from the Firestick apparently or I didn’t figure it out.
It’s the damn ADB blocking and you can’t use the ADB Shell app to add the command interface either. Royal pain.
Yup, that’s why I’ve pretty much given up on Firesticks, Pretty much Google TV now, if I had your money I’d buy a Shield!
My money??? Lol. I wish. I already have a Shield Pro.
This is what I use to Clone a Firestick:
You still need to add your username(s) and password(s) to the Apps when you install and run them for the first time. But this way you don’t have to search to find the difficult-to -find Apps.
Welcome aboard…
Troy’s toolbox is a life/sanity saver!! This old woman could never operate without his expertise and detail instructions.
I use SendAnywhere.
I can keep a folder on my pc with the apk files. If an app is updated i can download the new apk and move the old one to a archive folder.
Send multiple files and receive them ANYWHERE. Install them directly from the SendAnywhere app.
A BT keyboard is needed as the tv app is not remote friendly. But a kb is also a time saver for setting up a device anyways.
The windows version can use the right click>share feature directly to the app.
I tried the cloning process Troy posted the other day on a onn box. I got a lot of “failed to install” for apps i had backed up from the other box
Why would you want to transfer the setting for basic apps. Therecare a few that have complex settings but most do not.