HELP- Xenon- NewsOn error - check log information issue

Hi I am new to this but yesterday I did a stupid thing and clear data on all my apps without realizing that it would remove everything that I previously installed on Kody . BUMMER. I had to re-install diggz - the Xenon app. Anyway everything seems to work fine but when I try to go to thr TV Guide in the app and down to the breaking news local news . I have an error that tells me NewsOn error check log on for more information.
Where do I check this and what I need to do?
Doesn’t seem I can find a solution. Any help is appreciated.

I tried to open NewsOn and it error’d out for me too. So the addon is currently down.

But where you look for log in information?

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Did you find news channels that work?

There’s a bunch of add-ons that have the main news channels.

Yes the us to go channels all are there us just the app for local channels and also the ivue app that I get the error of newsOn log error

Never could find log errors !

I don’t know if you have found an answer to your question or not, but if you want to view errors in log, try this:
In scroll banner, hover over Xenon Plus, click down to ChefMatrix and click. A new screen opens up.
Scroll down to (ChefWizard) View Errors in Log and click.
Hope that helps.

No still have the issue . I can see the log error through similar ways but still can’t get to fix. I reached out to other searching Google but 3-4 of them where no help too as they have links to apps that suppose to fix it but the link just is dead or not working after trying to download . One was called Merlin other I think aspen something.but watherver tutorial was good until I can see all the log errors. But how to fix them still tabu.

No still have the issue. I done everything you said but that doesn’t fix the log error it only gives the list of all the log what nex

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