Has anybody tried the 'new' open subtitles subscription?

Yes I did a search.
I got an email from AI.opensubtitles.com with pricing.
It’s $5 for 500 credits.
I have no idea about how many subtitles 500 credits would allow.

I found that…
But has anybody tried it yet?

I didn’t see anyone answering but thought that would answer the question of what 500 credits get ya. There are reddit posts on it but I didn’t read them.

Thanks my Mexi-Canadian friend.
I saw some reddit too.

You have a wonderful day @elginherd. Always a pleasure to see you active here. Be well, and if you can’t be well be great. Wait, you already are. :upside_down_face: :innocent:

There’s actually a way to keep using subtitles for free I never tried it yet because my previous Kodi configurations kept working and there are other free options I’ll look back into it and let you know if you want me to but I do know there are still free options for subtitles

Stremio is still supplying subs via open subs as well.

I have tried it and I get a message telling me that they can’t verify my credentials. I have gone in multiple times and it doesn’t work. DON’T waste your money.

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I signed up for VIP a few months back. It was $29 Cdn for 1 year. It allows me to download up to 1000 subtitle files per day. I never need to do that but sometimes there are some series with multiple years that need me to get a lot at once. And I grab every english file I can because the quality varies.

I don’t recall it being a hassle to signup or to login. It keeps me logged in each day. I keep a tab open all the time.

It let’s me set English as my preferred language and I only get english files in the results.

The site is still clunky. One issue I have is when I ask for multiple subtitles at once (like for a series), it bundles it up into a compressed file format that my chromebook doesn’t recognize. I haven’t had time to troubleshoot so I just download each file individually for now.

I don’t know why others are having problems. It has worked well for me since I signed up. My wife insists on subtitles on everything since she has hearing issues. And they come in handy with British shows with their accents and slang.

If you have any questions, fire away. I need a reliable site for subtitles and this works fine for me for now. I know not everyone would need this.

I’ve just logged into opensubtitles.org and opensubtitles.com. The .com is the one that works with Kodi. Be sure and choose subtitles that are not dual language. Also, it is still free and works good.

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I paid $15 for a year to Opensubtitles.org.

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Have you been happy with it?

Absolutely. One thing I learned was if the message appears ‘you need to log into opensubtitles.org appears, turn off the subtitles on/off. Then scroll down to download subtitles. The list of subs appears and there is no need to log in.
This only happens very infrequently.
Hope this helps.

Search a4k subtitles and go to kodi beginners. There you will find aa detailrd install tutoria
Its free and works great. You can probably find it on this site also because i posted a link to it a couple weeks ago.


Many thanks, Tico…that works like a charm!

This Kodi thing has had my head spinning for almost a month. I became a Patron, used the links to pay for vpn’s. Pay two different IPTV providers and use TiviMate and I pay for Real Debrid. I should have everything working but still, it seems like it’s a PITA to watch a movie with Spanish subtitles. Since I haven’t found a build that’s easy enough for my pea brain to handle, I’ve tried a few. Now, when I finally get a movie to play with a Spanish subtitles, the only subtitle I get is to become a VIP member. Maybe it’s been a year since I paid Opensubtitles.org, I don’t recall. The question I have is, does the community here (that use subtitles), pay OpenSubtitles similar to Real Debrid, finding real value or am I doing it all wrong? Thank you to those who have helped me so far. If it matters, for now I’m still using the Superman build,and Seren. Don’t even get me started with Trakt. Forgive me, I’m kind of going nuts. Cheers

Well I pay $0 for subtitles. Never had.

There are a few ways i get them. For reference i use the Diggz build. Not a fan of the SM layout and Diggz IMO has a better Trakt/debrid set up. My current goto addon is Coalition.

First, after your start playing a movie do have the options when you pause on the bottom right of your screen? An X, A tv, a movie reel, a volume icon and a piece of paper? If so, click on the TV icon and and it gives subtitle settings. I always Enable subtitles and set as default at the bottom.

This is where you can also download subtitles independently.

Both of these options should be changing the settings of the player not the addon.

The other thing i did is enabled the subtitles in the addon setting. I guess you’d have to find that in seren. I’ll see if i can look for it.

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This is the area i was talking about.

Also, I don’t see the option in Seren settings but if you go to Coalition settings. Under Playback option at the bottom you will see Download Subtitles Action. Turn that on and select the language. Check other addons too if you like.

I know you are looking for Spanish Subtitles but hopefully this points you in a good direction.

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