Google Widevine, Safe/Unsafe


I’m not sure which category this topic falls under so please bear with me.

Since MikeN’s recommendation to use it, I had been using the Brave browser with a VPN to watch various streaming content without any issues.

That is until I tried streaming content on the ABC website, which was when I was asked if I wanted to block or allow Google’s Widevine DRM.

Having done a search on it, it looks as though some programs require this piece of software to view them.

The issue that I have with Google is that, based on my understanding of the company, they have a reputation that is at odds with the cord cutters of this world.

In light of this, I was wondering what the forum users make of this DRM?

Is it safe or unsafe in terms of the privacy concerns, being that it is owned by Google?

If the users on this forum would deem it to be relatively unsafe, is there a workaround to using Widevine, or am I faced with making do with it to view what is available on the likes of the ABC website?

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There is no guaranty having Widevine DRM software to enable all streaming services to work on your device. This software is designed as far as I know, to protect the content of streaming services.
It’s like the DRM on DVD to try and stop you making a copy or record the content.

Formuler devices have this software but the likes of Netflix or Disney do not let their apps install.

Answer to your question, it’s safe to accept so you can watch the streaming content

I haven’t ever once in all my years streaming, ever been concerned about Widevine DRM nor has it ever entered into my thinking or consideration in any aspect or setup or usage of my devices. So I’m not sure what you are referring to or what your concerns are. The link was just provided for you to read as it seems to be something you are interested in.

The Widevine client is natively embedded into a device platform unless otherwise noted.

Thank you both for your kind replies and for going easy on me as a rather inexperienced cord cutter. It’s very much appreciated.

The reason for being so cautious about Widevine is because of the Google connection and their reputation for snooping on people.

I simply wanted the opinion of the cord cutters on the forum to ascertain the potential risk of allowing this particular piece of software to operate on my computer.

Maybe I’m being too cautious about the privacy issues associated with the Google brand?

Either way, I’ve gained a greater understanding as a result of your advice, so thank you once again for your time, efforts and patience.

Look at widevine as a “sorta” googles blessing over a device and having that certification if you use certified apps such as netflix etc. Most true cord cutters could care less about drm or what google thinks…jus’ sayin’


Sadly not all devices with widevine will be allowed to install official apps - Formuler specs state widevine level 1 but Netflix doesn’t allow the latest app on these devices

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