Google Must Allow 3rd Party App Stores in Play Store - Judge Rules

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A federal judge has ruled that Google must make significant changes to its Android app store, marking a substantial blow to the company’s business practices. After years of blocking popular 3rd party app stores from their platform, the technology conglomerate must now enable access to other app stores for users to install within Google Play.…


That’s what I’m talking about, bend over Google! LOL


When Google was coming into existence a lot of companies gave up them free information to them and they PDF ed files from libraries throughout the USA and now they want to disallow third party apps and other companies from using their search engine, or the Play store! Screw that.

Ah ha Google nice judge beers on da house

Does anyone know if anyone is trying the same tactics with the Amazon Apps Store?

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In the article Google says it will appeal the decision, Google has dump trucks full of money and unlimited legal recources. It will be awhile until we see any changes, however it’s nice to see change could be on the horizon.