Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled

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Absolutely one of the best extensions I use with Vivaldi browser.

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Tried Floorp? It Rocks!

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Fire Dragon is a floorp fork by Garuda(Ithink)… similar to Librewolf

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Would’ve pegged you as a Firefox user. :slightly_smiling_face: Did you switch?

I was checking out Floorp. Didnt know it was Firefox based. Interesting! Can’t read that Privacy Policy on the download page though, it’s all in Japanese.

Good day @Tech2 I PMd you the google translate copy of the privacy policy for your enjoyment. :laughing: Have a geat day.

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Yes sir. We did discuss and even with the google translation it still needs some parts further defined. Like what user info they collect, a few contradictory statements regarding this, and the “personal information” as defined in the Japanese “Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”). Japan’s idea of personal information and our idea of personal information may be vastly different.

I think its similar to librewolf or waterfox but as you say hard to define actual protections. I use librewolf which is a secure version of firefox.

They do state that any personal info they have will be given to the authorities upon a request from them.

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theres a red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

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There’s that and this “access logs such as IP addresses and user agents will be collected to the minimum extent necessary and stored only for the minimum period of time required” And of course the minumum time period is left up to them to determine,

I agree, but what “exactly” personal data do they have? Mac addresses? Like @TXRon said huge red flag :triangular_flag_on_post:

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We know at the very least they store our IP addresses for a certain amount of time. We don’t know how long that amount of time is though.

Trouble with storing of IP addresses is that the majority of us don’t have static IP addresses, just dynamic. I suppose if they’re time stamped and your ISP records your modem ID and exact addy lease time as well as Mac address it maybe a concern, throw in a VPN and it takes months or years to get an exact match and only worrth doing if say you’re into child porn or human trafficking, or are a distributor with a large DB of copyright violations. Takes a lot of time and money on their part so %99 of us are g2g.

Maybe, maybe not. It could be something similar to those who get a notice from their Internet Provider for downloading movies, or it could be something underhanded. I always prepare for the worst, hope for the best? :face_with_peeking_eye: :grinning:

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I like that Floorp allows ublock origin addon without a hitch, and the speed is good. FireFox pretty much sold out and I left them a while back because installing ublock was hit or miss, even freshly minted and updated versions. I understand it is a Japanese offshoot of FF, but no worries here…yet.

hey Reece, what happened with your installation of uBlock Origin? I’ve been using it on Firefox for years and years. Never a problem. Are you talking about Firefox on Windows?

Yeah its weird…for my clients when I do a new Windows install here lately (a bout a year running now) I was always installing Firefox for them. When I would go to install the ublock add-on it would not load. Either on Desktops or Laptops. I forget exactly what error is was throwing, but I researched it to no avail. I then used chrome and ublock would load up great. I always preferred Firefox over Chrome and was glad when I found Floorp. If I could convince all my clients to go with Linux Mint or Elementary OS It would be a tad better for me. Id get to do some training too, which I enjoy. Most everything they do relies on the browser less a few local file shares / saves and some simple backups etc. It’s also weird to look back on it and how much our computing lives depend on a good browser these days. Time marches on and like Technology, it waits for no one. Especially my “reticent to change” self !!

Wish I could say I had an answer for that, but not even a guess! I’ve never heard of it not loading on Firefox. Ever. Been a Firefox user and installer since probably 2005, almost 20 years. By FAR prefer it over Chrome. To me, uBlock Origin has always been the number 1 most important extension to have on your browser. Can’t believe in this day and age that quite a few people still go around using browsers with no ad blockers installed on them whatsoever. Also can’t believe that quite a few people don’t even know which browser they are using when I ask, lol. Just curious, how did you hear of Floorp? And how long have you been using?

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