Get programs in English

Searched through a number of topics on trying to get programs in English only. Settings in tools, etc.
I have not found a solution. I use Kodi 19.3 with Seren and Crew addons. Is there a setting somewhere that can filter out all the Spanish, and other foreign languages? Just keep all the English feeds. Or is there a work or phrase in the link that will give a clue to the language it is played in? Thanks in advance.

There is a setting in the player or playback that will select only english. In Seren the feeds all usually tell in the writing as to language, size of file 4k or 1080p etc, Just read them closely. You’ll figure it out.

@Throttlejockey, Where specifically is the “setting in the player or playback found?”

Open Kodi and go to the settings tab at the top. The gear, click on it then player then language and you can select the desired language for playback.

Thanks Throttlejockey. I was able to locate the settings, player, language, and set to English.

That’s awesome! poke around there when you need to find certain settings. There are also these options inside some of the apps.

9 out of 10 times when I get a movie on Seren it’s in a language other than english. I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. Can you please tell me what the solution is? Also, how do you access one’s history on Seren?