FireTV Stick Not Connecting to IPTV Server

My device is now not connecting to an IPTV server with a change to my user name. it is up to date with a good network connection.

Can anyone offer help regarding this?


First off - and I mean this sincerely; we need more info regarding your issue. Which model “Stick” is it? Did you de-register it? have you factory reset it? Too many variables to just try to guess at an answer for you.
The EASY answer is that you clear it as best you can, toss it in the nearest recycle bin, and go buy a $50 Onn 4k Pro from Wal-Mart. Set that Bad Boy up and be done with it. For the price point they are the best. I’m finally over the Fire Stick phase of my streaming journey as Amazon messed them up. It was fun, but now i’m done!


I’m with you on this one. I was all Fire Sticks in my house, but got so tired of all the bloat and advertising on them. Got an Onn 4k Box and put projectivity launcher on it and haven’t looked back. Now I’m starting to slowly replace the fire sticks. The only thing about the Onn box that sucks is that the Ethernet port is only 10/100, so it’s actually 3x faster on Wi-Fi for me.

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Ethernet was all the rage pre 2020. WiFi with speeds 1 Gig and more have replaced Ethernet as the Defacto standard in streaming though you wouldn’t know it. People are loathe to change and so many hang on to the idea that being tethered to a cord is still the way


This will give will give you better speeds if you have a spare usb port and your Ethernet port is only 100mb…

I know loads use these on Firestick’s.
Ethernet net is king when it comes to connections because you don’t have interference unlike WiFi.

I always use Ethernet on my main streaming device but I have a gigabyte port and it maxes my connection when using Ethernet, Wi-Fi doesn’t….

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@MarkxG…“the idea that being tethered to a cord is still the way” holds true if your working outside of the International Space Station… :grimacing:



Believe what you want. I’ve been untethered for years at faster speeds and don’t need any gerryrigged dongles to artificially boost a connection limited by 100 MB speeds. My AT&T Fiber Wifi is way faster, better, and more stable then the Shi$$y Ethernet I had no choice with Spectrum for years. I will die on the WiFi is better Hill


It’s facts so it’s not important what anyone believes.
Thats why domestic and commercial internet is connected by cables and not in the air lol


My T-Mobile Home Internet is not connected by cables to my house…:person_shrugging:…jus sayin’

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But is it connected to the Space Station? :rofl:

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When I asked how it all worked they simply said Magically!! Now I ain’t x-ack-ly sure :thinking: I believe that, but I quit drinkn’ an doin’ street drugs a while back an things just ain’t seemed the same since :grimacing::dizzy_face::person_shrugging::zipper_mouth_face:…

Satellite Internet does exist for rural areas….

Satellite Internet is available to anyone who wants to “dish” out stupid $$$$$$ for it…BUT if that is your only option then it ain’t stupid…:grimacing::speak_no_evil:

Did your IPTV service provider change your user name?
It is not possible for you to change your user name