Fire Stick.....view on TV?

This probably isn’t possable. I have a Fire Stick attached to the monitor. Occasionally I would like to view content from the Fire Stick on my TV (non-Smart, older LG) but without dragging a HDMI cable accross. If it isn’t possable, I also have a “TV Box” X88 PRO 10, so maybe mirroring would be possable. Anybody have any ideas? Obliged

Why not just connect another device to the tv? Since it isn’t a smart TV and without some sort of a connection. I don’t see a way to get the signal across the room to it. You can’t cast it and you have no wifi connection it.

Buy a cheap $20 buck ONN dongle and be done with it.


Can you not use your “tv box”? Not sure what content you need to view from the FS but Prime Video should be available in playstore.

I may be totally wrong here but if you have 2 devices already why wouldn’t you just have one on the tv?

why don’t you just plug the Firestick into the tv?

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For most content I prefer the size of the monitor, only occasionally I think a bigger screen would be preferable.

I prefer the Fire Stick

I thought there might be a possability similar to casting. I`m new to a lot of this, what can I say? Thanks for the comments