Fen Is the only add on required

If fen is the only add on required why is superman build #1 rated build on Troypoint? Do you remove all the additional add ons?

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Apples and Oranges. They are two different things. I think you will find a separate list for addons. The point being if you don’t like how much space the kodi build requires you might be happy just using this one Addon.


I believe Troy is saying that Fen is the only add-on that he needs, and doesn’t necessarily need a build. I guess I’m not sure what you are asking or saying, this is a confusing post. You understand the difference in using a blank version of Kodi and adding an add-on manually, versus a build that has many add-ons already installed with usually a unique UI?


Hello, some people like Builds but many don’t due to their bloated nature. I personally got away from using Builds as Fen gives me everything I need in an addon.


Thanks for the info. I didn’t realize I did not need a build and could just install the add on. I will try this in the future.


Been using Builds for years. Absolutely no issue if you use the right Build and have the right device. So many say not to use Builds. Whatever


Here’s a good comparison, I think. It is like if you prefer to buy a house already fully furnished with someone else’s furniture, or buy an empty house and furnish it with your own selection of furniture.
Kodi = the house
Addons = the furniture


I was using superman build on2nd gen firestick. It was very slow. I uninstalled and re installed with only fen add on. It is amazing the difference in speed.


TROYPOINT Toolbox is Troy’s toolbox and has a bunch of kodi forks you can use, then just load the addons you want. gl2u


Hello Everyone,

I’ve edited the following tutorial and went back to showing how to install Fen Kodi Addon with the installation URL since it’s been activated again.

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I don’t see the video link that you recommend viewing in your latest update.

The video was removed as that is showing the way that isn’t working for some. Just follow the new screenshot guide that I just added today.

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Agree w/ ya. A good lite fast build , i prefer for fs 4k or max, or a bigger, fatter build with the cube or stronger andoid box, but i get just using a great rd add on like fen is really all ya need


Welcome ,streetrodder. Great source of info , refer back reg.


Check out the Grindhouse Builds. I’ve been using them for about 4 years now. The Dev is on top of it and constantly dumps addons if they are not working. They have a FB and Telegram group too and the Dev communicates a lot when Build are updated. He usually has about a Dozen different Builds for the latest KODI release. Oh and I had been running T95Z Plus Cheap China boxes for about 5 years. Great little boxes. Still working fine but a few months ago picked up a couple of the new ONN 4K boxes and absolutely love these

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Thanks so much, would love to test out Grindhouse builds. Can ya tell me how ?

Also really impressed with the Onn 4k box. Got 1 miraculously, customized it n gifted it to a friend. That friend is Rv- ing out west n found a motherload of Onn4k’s @ a local walmart, she’s gifting 4 to me soon as she gets back to Florida. Great deal huh? Payin it forward works :sweat_smile: let me know how to test those Grindhouse builds on my Onn 4k 's :vulcan_salute:

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Awesome. Here’s the info for Grindhouse. Pretty much all the builds use the same addons but some are lite, different skins, etc…BTW I use the Jaws Build

Here’s another tutorial


Grindhouse is solid! Been using these Builds for almost 5 years now. The dev is on top of it