Fallout - Official Trailer | Prime Video

I have watched the entire first season. I have Fallout 4 on my Xbox and have played Fallout 3 and 4 several times. I thought the sets and makeup were spot on. All the gadgets are just like the game. The vaults are spot on like the game. The gulper, the ghouls, the Brotherhood of Steel, were very good. I was disappointed there were no Mirelurks or green Mutants, as they are a big part of the game. There were no Minutemen or Railroad which are major factions of Fallout 4. There was no Institute or Synths, which was basically the whole story of Fallout 4. All in all, it was worth watching. I thought the story line was a bit weak. But it was stated that it was based on the Game, so I didn’t really expect the story line to be the same. I would give it a 6.5 out of 10.

I couldn’t stand the series. After about 15 minutes I shut it off and removed it from my watch list. IMHO the story line is lame, immature and not worth watching, but that’s just my opinion. We can’t all like the same stuff.


A Show about a Video Game? I do not understand this but I’m also not a Gamer…No Thanks

It was good entertainment. Not Oscar quality. But worth the time investment to see Walton kick butt again. He is a great actor.