Es File Explorer

Could someone please share with me how they removed the preinstalled apps off of their fire stick with ES explore. I have had no success removing the apps. When I hit the uninstall button nothing happens. I keep reading about how easy this step is. One time I succeeded in removing the unwanted apps out of es file explorer but they did not uninstall off of my Firestick when I checked in applications manage installed apps. I would appreciate any suggestions.

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I think you ment to post this for everyone and not here, but you can no longer delete pre installed amazon apps.

Thank you for being a patron!

Your right I did intend to send the email to the group. For the life of me I could not find where or how to send it. I need a map to navigate your app. For that I apologize. Thanks for the sad news. Perhaps if I can figure out where to message the group they will have a few suggestions for me. Have a great day :grinning:

I made it public for you! :slight_smile: no need to apologize, it happens.

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You don’t actually uninstall the Amazon apps. What you do when clicking the uninstall is activate a notice that will tell you that the Amazon apps will be returned to their “factory” settings. For instance, I got an update this morning on my 4K Max. Additional “stuff” was added to Amazon photos, which I never use. So I open ES and on the top right I click “APP”. For me this then opens “User Apps” and my very first one is “Amazon Photos”, so I click on it and this brings up a Properties window for it. One of the choices is UNINSTALL, I click that. This brings up a “replace with the factory version” screen and I click OK. I wait for it to finish and it immediately takes me back to the ES, where I now do the same thing with every Amazon app I don’t use. I leave the appstore alone as returning this to factory undoes all my home screen changes I’ve made also do not mess with stuff you don’t know about, when in doubt do not touch it. Now before I did this Amazon Photos was a whopping 39.85MB in size, after this “uninstall” it us now back down to 1.46MB a saving of 38.39MBs. I do this for all of the Amazon crap. Now keep in mind that when the next update comes and is installed you will have to do this again. I now do it as part of a weekly maintenance routine and recover quite a bit of space.
Have fun and STREAM ON.


And I run fast Task Killer app in conjunction with ES every week for essential fire stick longevity Thank you @miki ,@ TP-Dracoo for all the great tips

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That’s just great! So everything I thought I uninstalled is now going to give Amazon the opportunity to run more up dates and take up more space. I assume that no one has come up with a way to get around all of these updates and new apps that Amazon seems to keep coming up with? I appreciate your response and will follow you in hopes that I can learn something new

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Easiest way around it is use another media. Amazon will not relent in pushing ads etc. It’s what they do, be annoying :roll_eyes:


Unfortunately Amazon has started making their stuff “protected modules” and where we use to be able to block most of it to limit their influence on our daily use, we no longer can. As TX mentioned , if you strongly dislike their attitude, don’t buy their OS.

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Yup… TXRon and Miki are correct…i have in the past week or so become a Fan of the ONN, that i set up following Troy’s video, and for $20 i am very pleased to say Later Days to amazon…

I sure hope I can get someone to bring me an Onn when they come here on holidays. Actually I have a KM2 and TX has set his up with some amazing home page graphics. I should just slow down, take a Max break and get it set back up. Trouble is, my wife and I watch a lot of programs every day and my Max is perfectly configured to get me everything I want. You can limit a lot of the Amazon stuff by doing things like turning off auto play for their stuff. As I’m only on the Home screen to access and initiate my apps I’m not bothered by Amazon stuff.


Miki, get that km2 outa the trash and lets fixer up… :joy: Slap wolf on it and make it purrrr

It’s out and sitting next to the TV. Unfotunately dealing with the wifes medical issue has been a daily struggle and my main focus of attention. But a couple more weeks and I should be able to refocus on the Android. Thanks as always TX, the community is lucky to have you, and I’m sure glad to know you. I’ll lean on ya for help soon.


Thanks, but you are the goto fire box guy. So maybe just leave the km2 alone :rofl:…Just kidding. Prayers for the wife and take care. :pray:


This is the correct procedure & the only way it actually now works.
1 tiny piece of advice, if it looks like a robot - leave it alone.
I still have 2 Sticks which are used but otherwise upgraded to the Shield Pro for all the rest.
Enjoying the Google O/S in Developer Mode with added memory on a Sony Bravia X90J.

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I never heard of what you switched to. Where can I get more info on it all?

I would like to try the ONN android box that Troy reviewed. Unfortunately I am living in Mexico right now and I can’t get it here. I’m going to have to wait until I go to the states and go to a Walmart there. Mexico is a great place to live and it’s really hard to get electronics. If a trip before it is shipped out rages. You are right time to get away from Amazon

The onn boxes are very good and price wise a no brainer to pick up at least for a backup. However I dont see many on the shelf anymore actually I always just walk by that section when I go just to look for anything new. I havent seen the onn boxes re-stocked in a few months.

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