Double JioPages

I’ve downloaded and installed JioPages to my ONN device and it works fine. However, I have two icons on my desktop for JioPages. If I try and delete one both are removed. I’m wondering if anyone else has this problem?

Try downloading an apk from a different website. Personally, I used to have JIOPages and found it to alright but too glitchy for me. I use TVBro now and it seems to work okay.

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I just downloaded TVBro and tried it out. It works fine so I’m going to get rid of Jio.


jio went downhill just after their launch :grimacing:

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Hi Powerfader,

What default search engine do you use in TV Bro? I downloaded and will try it out more tomorrow.:face_with_monocle:



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I think it works at its best (maybe just me) :crazy_face:…with duck as the engine and user agent set as firefox tablet

I use google chrome. TV Bro pages was loading very slow for me yesterday. Going to test out more today.

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Ok I just deleted Jio (both copies) and went to TVBro. Works great. Thanks for everyone’s input. Mods you can close this thread. Problem solved.