Done with the free IPTV

Thanks For the welcome and I’m slowly learning the website even though I’m familiar with Troy point , :ok_hand: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have a good one,


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Hey anon55492669,
I’m interested in this info. i have a similar situation, but always looking for an alternative and better options.

Thanks !!

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I understand why TP doesn’t provide links but it would be helpful if they provided the correct extension so we know what is a copycat/scammer site and which is real. The “Google and you’ll find it” direction, isn’t very helpful when 5 sites pop up with the same name but have .org, .io, .tv, .co, or other extensions. All sites look pretty legit. How do we know which one is the right one? Can TP at least list the correct website extension to help out?

Not really sure what you are looking for but Troypoint is not the internet police nor can determine good and bad sites.

So it’s just guess and check? You should plan on getting scammed a few times before finding a real one? Is that normal? I understand this whole thing is “at your own risk” but I’m trying to understand how to mitigate that a little bit. Is there any way to sort through the options that pop up?

Are you looking for an iptv provider?

Yes, I’m looking for an IPTV provider. I’ve used several in the past and eventually they end up disappearing. I understand that’s always a risk so I was looking at the latest IPTV rankings that came out on Friday. I’d love to try one of the first 5 listed but when I google the name, 4-5 websites pop up with different addresses. I was just hoping to get some advice on how to choose one.

gotcha, yes its a trial and error…here today, gone tomorrow world. My best luck has been word of mouth from here and other sites to get down to a better provider. I will send you a private invite to one of the ones I use however no promises. It works for me is all I can vouch for. Check your pm’s in a few minutes.


Thank you. I appreciate your help. I understand there are no guarantees. For example, when googling the #2 on the list, websites with .co, .tv., .info, .net, .ink, and more come up. There’s a high probability that you pick an imposter site and send money off into the ether…haha

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very true, invite sent…good luck

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This is why I’ve gone the “Discord” route. Most have a free test option.

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Why not become a patron to have a more premium experience with Troypoint? We dont give links to unverified IPTV for obvious reasons. Tons of info on his main website though, did you check that out?

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I thought I was a premium user since I “donated” already. I just come here so rarely maybe I’m not up to date with all of the membership options. I’ve been using TP for 8 or so years and really love it! But I’m by no means a power user. Still using a Firestick mostly and haven’t upgraded to an Nvidia Shield…

Yes I was able to find at least two great providers via discord.Really recommend it.


Unfortunately Troy is no longer accepting new patrons.

I forgot about that, sorry. Would highly recommend it for anyone though when and if it opens back up.

i was done when i read “free”.