I was so disappointed in the new movie “Civil War”. With the theme of the movie, I thought that it would be a great movie. Actually it was one of the worst I have seen. Maybe my expectations were too high.
I agree it didn’t make any sense at all, even the battle at the end when they kill the president kind of stupid.
As if the president would be left out in the open. Can you say BUNKER.
anybody who hasn’t seen it will now have it spoiled for sure, lol.
This is a love it or hate it War movie. Kirsten Dunst nails it. Movie flies in the face of American exceptional. It never identifies who are the insurrectionists, who are the hostages,who are the warriors in this war against the third term President. So you don’t know who to pull for. WAR IS A HORRIBLE THING!
PTSD = A normal reaction to an abnormal experience
PTS = It is not a DISORDER
I totally agree.
I took it to be a warning of what could happen in the U.S. if everyone continues to be so polarized and not willing to understand the “other side”. Kind of a wake up call. I think that is why the movie doesn’t take a side; there can be no winners. I thought the acting was great.
I think your comment was great as well. Very insightful and I totally agree with you.