I searched for posts about this problem but did not find any.
I followed the installation guide for DIggz Xenon and everything was mostly the same in the screenshots that I was getting on my system until I got to the Chef Matrix Builds. The guide says choose Diggz Xenon Plus but the closest that was listed was Diggz Xenon v8.5.2 and this version is quite different and not what I am used to so I’d rather have the Xenon Plus version. I followed the instructions to the letter so I don’t know why Xenon Plus was not listed.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can get Xenon Plus back? I had to reset my Firestick the other day and this is what happened when I tried to reinstall Xenon Plus.
Xenon 8.5.2 is xenon plus. They just don’t use the word “plus” anymore. There is no way to go back to an older version and you wouldn’t want to as you’ll be in buffer hell . Version 8.5.2 removed the addons that went belly up such as The Oath and Venom and they added more quality addons like Homelander , FEN ( yes Fen is back) and Umbrella addon which is Venom rebranded) . Good luck
I have had this version before that starts up with a picture of a cartoon girl and then a robot looking thingie with a pic of Kodi on its chest. All of the options are different from Xenon Plus, for example the heading it opens to is Diggz Xenon and with Xenon Plus it opens to a heading of the same name (Xenon Plus). The options listed under TV Guide are totally different and don’t include, for example, Live News Stations (or something Iike that). I hav to say I find it difficult to believe this version replaces Xenon Plus because I converted from this version to Xenon Plus in the past. Also, the TROYPOINT guide still refers to Xenon Plus and he keeps these guides up-to-date (or so he says).
So, with respect, I am sceptical of your response.
I think there’s a missed step in the video about installing community builds and you need to say no and dismiss to them, That may be what is happening.
I honestly don’t know what that is about. I never came across a community built option or an ignore button when installing a build. I’m curious what it is you’re talking about though . I don’t watch any of the install videos. I just grab the zip URL and install it so I might be missing something
It’s a pop up that comes up in the install and tells you that you have no builds installed from chef wizard and then it asks if you want to install one from the Community build. but we always select ignore and dismiss and this never comes up again.
Odd. I always select " install " . I don’t even remember seeing the word community in the prompt. Probably because I do it so many times that I already know the yes/no sequence and click without reading
I have to say, like PiratePete, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered this community builds option. Also, although i looked for the TROYPOINT installation video, I couldn’t find one and just went by the screenshots.
Like I said maybe no longer used in the install. Don’t use many builds but try to learn all about them. Too much in them. Kodi with one add-on or two plenty good.
The one posted in this thread by Throttlejockey. I like the idea of having only one or two add ons. I only use it for news so is there a good news add on you guys know of. Maybe that is a good idea because I use hardly any of the add ons in XEnon.