Diggz Xenon plus 8.4.1

Hi there just updated this and there appears to be no add ons in it such as Seren crew etc. anyone else noticed this?

Hi @maderic I read your post and went and updated with same result plus missing 5 or 6 extra addons I had installed. :roll_eyes:

Yes, I noticed that over the weekend. I added on the Crew myself, I believe seren was already on it. And that Homelander add on is pretty good. I install the Diggz Netflix clone build and I love it. I had to add on the Zach Morris retro arcade back on it. I am not sure why he got rid of those add-ons and certain features.

I think they are actually there. If you click on debris movies or debris tv shows the next screen gives you the add ons

If you have RD id just use crew or siren on its own. My own thoughts but they should be there.

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Seren and Crew are under Movies - Debrid Moves’ or TVShows- Debrid TV shows. It changed under the last update.


Sorry I see this has already been pointed out. Crew sports is under SPORTS which is one of my go to’s.

$lin6 a great link on Mad Titan Sports that I have relied on these links for over a year and now I cannot connect to any of the links.
Any help?

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I just downloaded 8.4.2. Will see how this works and report sny issues.

I set up Diggz 8.4.2 today and they killed venom which had never stopped working, at least for me. I use Seren and I and just went to Add-ons / install repo / Nixgates, and it runs great. On my MeCool km2, I just held the ok button while it was highlighted and it allow me to create a widget. so when I go to add-ons, it’s in the top list with the rest of the widgets. I like Diggz, an avid user, but for me, it has a lot of bloated stuff I will never use.

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