D-Day: The Unheard Tapes

By fair means or foul, if you have/had a father or grandfather serve in the invasion or immediate aftermath of Normandy, watch. Mandatory.

My father was a combat engineer who arrived a week after the 6th. His unit was tasked with clearing mines almost as soon as he disembarked. I understand him a little more.


I’ll give it a go for sure.

My Grandpa was at Nornamdy but never beached. Was in the Navy on a destroyer escort. Then later on was off the coast of Okinawa and had another ship sunk by a kamikaze. Luckily surviving. Or else I wouldn’t be here.

Never spoke a word about the war to any of his grandchildren.


The only reason that I know as much as I do about Dad was that I was listening to him share experiences with a member of his church who served with an Italian unit in North Africa under Rommel.

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Yeah i only know from what my dad and uncles would tell me. And who knows how much they didnt know too.

I started watching. Excellent so far. The lip synching is an amazin touch.

I thought it was a movie, didn’t realize its a BBC series. 3 parts available so far. Are there going to be more?

It’s only 3 episodes.

Brilliant docu/ film. My father was part of the desert rats in Africa and fought in Palestine.
He often regailed stories of incidents.

As an ex vet of 30 years, i understood more and more before he passed away.

It would certainly do some of the modern youth to watch this.


Thanks…we will be visiting Omaha Beach this Dec. First time going over the pond, so excited.


Great watch, thank you for sharing!

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Ill have to watch it, thankyou. I once met an old timer at the laundromat around 1997 or so. He was in Normandy. He told me had two friends that landed with him at the beach. They were running to hide behind those huge metal barriers whatever they were called. Both killed. One was to his left, and his other friend at his right…both killed, and he didnt get a single scratch. Said he had his friends blood all over him.He was crying and could hardly finish his story. He had me in tears even. I was fortunate to have met someone that was there. I seen him again at the market not long after, then never seen him again. :frowning: