Cord Cutting, Age, and "I'm Old Please Help Me!"

So it seems like the majority of people here are “Older” which leads me to ask the question. Does the younger generation not cut the cord and just accept the outrageous Cable and mainstream streaming pricing? Or are they just so smart they don’t need help? I’m sure there are some younger people here but the majority that post are definitely older.

And the real reason for this post is to rant about something. I turned 60 years old this year. When I first started with KODI over 6 years ago it was living Hell to learn. But I asked questions, I searched for answers and learned and now am fairly profficient at how to fix stuff when it breaks - and as you all know Sh$t will always break. I have been seeing so many “I am old”, “I am Old and not good with this stuff”, “I am old and not good with computers” posts here lately. In General I have helped a lot of people but the people that use their age as an excuse I will not help. Because when something breaks they will not be able to fix it and will be looking to get spoon fed over and over and over. Please use some effort and teach yourself to fish! There are so many resources and people willing to help on this Forum but you need to take some initiative on your own as well. Rant over :rofl:


Right on @MarkxG :clap: I’m 69 and ya my thinking is not as sharp as it once was, and I tend to get flustered at times, but I’m a what the heck type of personality and dive right in. The more you use that grey matter the better it gets, just like any muscle. Have fun and STREAM ON!!!


Wow, compared to Miki I’m justa kid :rofl: :sunglasses:

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74 here and been cord cutting for many years


Just turned 80 and was long time Kodi user after the demise of satellite C and KU band mainly for sports Red Sox ,Bruins and Patriots living in Calif ,now that my hearing is gone even with hearing aids is bad, and eyes was always active camping , hiking ,and mountain biking since 1995 ,now not so active able to watch and getting into iptv and using more of my computer has been a new experience trying to search. And using the right phrase to find things out is frustrating at times learning to move around in this environment


Hey no age bashing :grin:. Some lead with age, because they need helpers to have patience with them as they try to help. As we age, comprehending something different can be much slower or down right difficult. Sometimes I get it fast and sometimes I don’t get it at all. I really appreciate all the help I received from the TP community.

I’m retired now and lose some of my computer proficiency each passing year. While working I was a quick study. Lol, now I have more senior moments than I care to admit.

Just my 2 cents


I’m 64 and not old, I have being cord cutting 15 years It’s good to learn how to do this to save money and take care of your streaming devices.


More times than not the posts that start of with “I’m Old and not good with this stuff” are from people that do not want to put in the time and effort to learn how to do what is required in order to keep everything running properly. This Hobby we all partake in is NOT “set and forget” To each his/her own but I am not just going to spoon feed someone that won’t learn to eat for themselves


i’m 65 and just retired,i’ve been cutting the cord since my first hacked cable box in the early 90’s.
now i download movie torrents and have iptv so i don’t have to really do any maintenance but still like to learn new things


Very well put. I’m 53, I started with KODI and remember my head spinning. I researched and many trial and errors, asked questions, YouTube, etc. Years ago, most of the ppl I know only knew streaming via Netflix…so i had to rely on other resources and a Google Hangouts buddy i bought my first iptv sub from, MachTV. I agree with helping some ppl, but sometimes you have to help yourself. Good point, I’m glad you posted this topic. Happy Hanukkah/Merry Christmas/ or whatever floats your boat around this holiday season.



I get it, but that might not always be the case. I will try to research and figure things out. But, sometimes I just can’t figure it out. I will DM a couple people in TP community. I beleive you have even helped me before. I usually won’t ask for help using the main forum. I only use it for what I consider broad streaming issues or topics of interest.


Yes @Mslea I agree with you that helping people out is what we all do. but that is NOT the point I am making here. Everybody needs help and that is what makes this Forum so great. I am not referring to your example where you put effort in and still need help and ask others. It’s the one who start off saying “I am old and not good at this” repeatedly. I have received DM’s like this and refuse to respond to them

i don’t mind helping anyone,sometimes it takes repetition for some folks to get it…but the lack of searching for an answer first is a problem…i don’t think Troy has unlimited bandwidth. ?


Okay, I’m 76. I learned to be adequate (not expert) 4-5 years ago when YouTube was our friend, not so much today. I saw a YouTube on “free movies” that piqued my interest and went from there. Young people don’t see this anymore and simply don’t know it exists and also on their phones for everything except TV casual watching.

We make it harder than necessary for newbies.

Lots of great apps and apks, but Stremio takes the fewest steps.

So…buy a streaming device, install Downloader, get a VPN sub, download Stremio, install Torrentio…you’re good to go.

Later, you can learn IPTV using the providers app or IPSmarters, then learn Tubi and Smart Tube.

Soon you’ll want Tivimate and more, but start simple. Stremio is simple and free with plenty of seeders through Torrentio. IMO starting with Kodi is a mistake for most non techies.


not been the same since they stopped using latin

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I’m mid twenties and honestly the younger generation assumes they know everything thus most don’t know about cord cutting or at least I don’t know many my age group that knows much. I don’t know any other highly skilled cord cutters my age other than people in the tech/IT field. And I’m in a lot of cord cutting groups and everyone is older no younger people I would say age 40 and up is average age based on how the people act


Several random observations regarding this:
Chances are that the 'old, not good with this stuff ’ people would be the same people who wouldn’t fool with this stuff if they were thirty.

I used to do a lot of my own car repairs and maintenance. Now I don’t. Everyone deserves to be lazy regarding doing their own services, whether that’s plumbing, electrical work, computer maintenance or cord cutting.

To my second point, a guy started a thread asking whether using ‘the TP service’ would save him money compared to paying a company $25 a month to maintain his Firestick. He didn’t know enough to know what to ask. For him, whoever is selling him reliable IPTV along with updating Kodi is giving him a pretty good price, IMO. And he’s saving $20 per month compared to just having the cheapest Sling sub.

Sure, we’re saving more than that guy is, but we put the labor into learning and/or tweaking. Most people that I know won’t, regardless of age.


That person you’re talking about won’t be paying that fee much longer, if at all. He contacted me via PM and has purchased his first “new” streaming device, on my advice, and is already well on his way to an “updated” streaming experience. I have no issue guiding anyone along their journey whether they’re beginners or experienced. I got all the time in the world. I’ll be 69 next week and started my journey in the mid 90’s. The “collective” we call Troypoint Insider is brilliant, from a diversity standpoint, as there isn’t any one person than can or does know it all.
Have fun and STREAM ON!!!



I must say this is an engaging exchange of dialogue. I have enjoyed reading the comments.


You’re a baby goat?? :goat: Would’ve never guessed it. baaaahhhh huuuuhumbuuug

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