Comcast’s “NOW TV” Gives You Some Cable Channels for $20/mo

Peacock Premium

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I might just try this out, $20 not bad

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myself as well, has my fav channels that I watch daily and cheaper than philo with peacock thrown in :face_with_monocle:

Only available to Comcast Xfinity internet customers. So it’s an exclusive club members only deal :face_with_monocle: :slightly_smiling_face:

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They say for now, so it might roll out to everyone eventually. Its not even on the site yet.


The channel line-up is a little bit similar to Frndly (I think that’s how it’s spelled), yet Frndly doesn’t come with Peacock Premium either. But Frndly costs quite a bit less per month. Give and take, lol :wink:

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my main channels are ID, Discovery and History

I love the ID channel. And A&E, TLC, Reelz. Those are probably the ones I watch the most here lately.


I believe its a smart move on their part $20 might get back some of those protesting prices and streaming with xfinity doesnt count toward data. So in theory I could cut my bandwidth and unlimited data back :joy:

But but but… with eye pea tv do you need anything else? :scream:


As it gains momentum, it’s prices will go up.


Hi Shayde,

Dang, should have known it was a catch

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oh yea, the reelz channel is cool :crazy_face:…I place it next to Axstv :crazy_face:

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If they would include Fox, ABC, CBS, and NBC. Then that would probably be enough to get back some cord cutters. Combine this with Syncler+ and that would be enough for most folks. Especially with a free sub to Peacock and a DVR service.

Heck, you probably wouldn’t even need a streaming device if you have a smart TV…and NO buffering!

But alas, I don’t get Concrap where I live.


Gotta admit this looks enticing for some; and it would get you out of the iptv game. But I, and a lot of us, need ESPN and the regional sports channels to watch local MLB, NHL, and NBA games. That’s a deal killer for me. Also, but signing a contract with Xfinity a year ago, they gave me a “Flex” box free that already has Peacock on it (free). Problem is, I haven’t been able to conquer the severe studdering of video for Peacock in that box – it’s worthless to me.

We should all take a bow though for literally FORCING these mega media corporation’ monopolies for realizing they need other options.

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Agreed! This will not entice the sports enthusiast to switch back. Especially for worldwide sports and ppv events.

For $20 bucks and a cheap antenna and that would suffice for most.

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ala carte baby…gota have my mlb :rofl:

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Rangers or Astros or both? Nice thing about iptv, Xtreme code, and Tivimate is if the regional sports feed is for some reason showing beach volleyball instead of the game, you can find the game on MLB channel or the backup channel or somewhere else if you look hard enough. And it’s kind of fun to listen to the opposition announcers once in a while. Go Twins.