Cman & SG Build GUI Wizard stops downloading

I’m trying to install the Superman build and the cman & SG builds GUI Wizard stops downloading right around 166-167 Mb. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled Kodi a few times with no luck. I’m new to this and this is a fricken joke. WTF? Anybody else have this problem.

What device are you using?

Fire TV with 4K Ultra HD and 1st Generation Alex

3rd generation Firestick with 4K Ultra HD. I reset my Firestick to factory settings. I have 3.66 GB of free space. I’ve only installed Surfshark and Downloader. Guess I’ll have to buy a new Firestick unless someone has a solution. I’ve wasted enough time already

The only reason I can think of that would cause the download to stop and error out, would be space. This last post clearly shows you should be okay on space, even though Firesticks don’t give you much room for error. If you plan on requiring a build, you may want to look into something better for it than a Firestick. Have you tried to install Kodi and just a few of the add-ons you use most? TROYPOINT Toolbox

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No I haven’t but I will give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion it’s greatly appreciated. I’ll try and let you know how it goes. Thanks again

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Just wanted to let you know I got rid of the Superman build and installed the Crew addon and everything is working great. Thanks again for your suggestions. :pray:t3:

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