Cinema HD on a new Fire Stick

I’m installing a new Firestick and since Cinema HD is no longer offered on the rapid app installer is there any need to install the Troypoint app? On the video for jailbreaking the Firestick it gives instructions on installing Kodi and linkd.

It depends on what you want. It contains valuable links to VPNs and Unlinked (has Cinema) and a number of good apps like Kodi and Stremio. It has a Speed Test, APK Installer and Latest Video shortcut. So if you’re happy with your setup and don’t need anything more then maybe you don’t need it, but it’s only 48.05MB so I keep it on my Max as I do a ton of adding, testing, and removing apps and tend to break some, ok ok, maybe more tham “some”, so it’s a valuable asset for me.


Thanks, Miki, for your quick response. I think you’re right; I’ll add it to have it just in case.
Does it matter if I jailbreak first or download troypoint app first?

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You should watch the setup tutorial video you get when you come to this fourm, it goes to your email.

It explains all this. Also links for all the guides you need to instal everything, plus there is my topic on kodi.

You will need to turn on install from unknown sources on for each thing you side load.


Just a quick after thought. I too have been experimenting with the new 4K MAX. So far, I was just about to go back to the 4k, but finally figured out how to get my SanDisk 256gb thumb to work… used a Partition wizard to format it to fat32 and viola, now I have internal 256gb.
I keep Troypoint RAI loaded for, yes, the latest tutorial vids, but also to download and try various other APKs. It’s just too simple a tool to lose! I am reloading Cinema HD V2 as I find it still works decently and it serves as a great tool to find new TV Shows as well as reveals new seasons on some of my old favs!!! That said, KODI 19.3 with the Xenon Matrix build is awesome, but I also tried the Debrid only build and that was quite decent as well. Now I will try the Man build as I want to try that after reading all about it. I may return to the Matix build and add the SEREN addon to it. Happy Streaming!!!


Thanks, can you re-send that setup tutorial video, I can’t find it in my email.

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Jailbreaking is one of the first setup procedures I do with any new firestick. Register, update, and optimize.

Have fun and STREAM ON.


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