As of yesterday I am not able to connect to Amazon using LAN. I’m using a Firestick 4K.
It does allow me to connect using Wi-Fi though.
I did everything I know - rebooted everything, multiple times, reset everything numerous times. The problem is not internet or equipment related,
I tested the LAN connection with my laptop and everything is working ok. I also tried using my older Firestick but with the same result “can’t access home…”
I was just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this.
Makes no sense. Your wifi and lan are on same network, Have you installed any ad blockers? It sounds as if a config has changed on the device. Often blockers, firewalls etc can block like this.
It sounds to me like during a connection attempt a false connection attempt was registered and then the state locked. I know everyone says to unplug the power from the firestick and wait for 30 seconds and plug back in, but this is not exactly true, what you need to do is unplug the stick from power and unplug it from the hdmi port on your tv as well. HDMI ports can be powered ports as well and keep the stick connection state active with microvolt pulses. So give that a try and see if you can clear the false state record. Oh and also completely unplug the TV from any power source to clear it’s “state” record and then retry
makes no sense to me either. i haven’t installed any kind of ad blockers or such… but thanks
I’ve done all of what you suggesting, multiple times except for unplugging the tv. I’ll try that right now.
If you are using a VPN it could be the cause. Same thing happened to me through trial and error I turned vpn off rebooted and then worked fine so I changed vpn protocol and then it works now.
no, vpn is off
At this point i believe that the problem is with the Ethernet adapter. I just ordered a new one, will let you all know if it did the trick when it gets here.
Thank you all for your help.
Hey Kottt…before you buy another one…have you tested your ethernet adapter on anything other than your firestick…like a computer, to confirm that it’s gone bad?..just a thought you may have overlooked.
It was a bad software upgrade. They later did another upgrade to fix the problem. I was having the same problem. Nothing would work. I did a reset, tried another VPN. Then I went into the system and I had a softwares update. I installed it and the problem went away. The software was in the system late evening… Sometimes update brings problems and the last update was the problem, not your firestick.
I am a Beta tester for Microsoft and I can tell you that not all updates are good. They come with problems. Same for Amazon. But last night was the software that was the problem. I updated my system with the new software and the problem went away. Everything was back to normal. I even called express VPN and told them it was their software. I even ran the system without a VPN and it was a big problem. It was on my 4k. 4k max, and firestick lite. My cube did not have any problems. But the other three there were software updates around 9 that night. And that was the problem, the recently software update. Now with the new software updates for last night on all three of my devices. I am happy again. So there is nothing wrong with your firestick. Go into the system and update to the new update and your problem will go away. I hope that was able to help you.
Thanks. I checked for software update and my firestick is up to date.
Did you also check that your cable isn’t defective? Maybe try a new cable or even switch lan ports on your modem/router.
Yep… did all of that. the cable is ok
Then I suspect, as you do, that it is the ethernet adapter as that’s pretty much all that’s left. I look forward to hearing if a new one helped.
All I did is Deregister my account and then re-register. My home screen is back after I hit try again.
Wow good for you. Thanks for letting us know.
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