Calling all X96 users

Hello all. Is there any X96 users on here? I got questions but, no ordinance. Does anyone have a video, pdf, etc for installing this device? What’s a good starting point?

Search Is Your Friend...!

All i can say is Wow! I never knew “Downloader” had such a read content. Learned something today. Won’t be asking questions again. Have a good day!

i have 2 X96 max’s and they are older boxes but work awesome,what do you want to know about them,basically they’re younger T95Z type boxes

I can admit, i have found my fling! I got justifiable results from my vpn provider and now, i can maneuver about the app at normal. I did manage to pick and ping and, found function keys that helps with using the device. I’ve yet to find a manual and probably never will? I do thank all who have suggested any and all helpful advice. I hope that i can maybe help someone with the things i have learn and learning? Ciao!