BuzzTV Android TV Box/Stick Giveaway

Nickalas cage in conair

Lee Van Cleef


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Just love the website

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The Bad, portrayed by Lee Van Cleef, in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

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Wendy Byrde from Ozark - what a detestable character.


Tommy shelby peaky b
Servilan blake7

Gustavo (Gus) Fring Breaking Bad,Better call Saul.

So unassuming town meetings etc,but has no trouble having someone offed when he feels the need.

Darth Vader as he was the first bad guy I remember that scared me as a kid.

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The Soprano’s! I love all the shows.

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Johnny Depp - Pirates of the Caribbean


Walter White of Breaking Bad.

Doctor Octopus in Spiderman.

Amon Göth (Schindler’s List)

Gollum from Lord of the Rings

John Travolta in Pulp Fiction

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Freddy Krueger, the original Nightmare on Elm Street

Dr. Robotnik(Jim Carrey) - Sonic movies

Heath Ledger’s Joker

The dark lord in Lord of the Rings

Sauron from Lord of the rings trilogy