Buzztv 5 update problem

I did read that in their forum that the only way customers were able to use it again was by unplugging and plugging back in 4-5 times. I just connected mine again for the evening to play with now that the Wife is in bed watching Netflix so it looks like it was pulled before I checked. Guess I dodged a bullet. Just wish I could find a Netflix app that doesn’t require a mouse. That’s the only thing holding up my X5 as our living room system. Leaving the Shield Pro on it and on when I’m not tinkering with this

I think we are all in limbo waiting. Not good for a highly touted device and expensive. My ugoos ut8 is on duty and doing very well as it always does. Awhile back I posted a video of a guy who actually got netflix full version working on another box…so there are peeps out there modding…


Damn. I would love to find it

“I got Netflix 4K working on Mecool KM6” :scream: (TUTORIAL) - APKs - TROYPOINT Insider


Thanks @TXRon After dodging the ads riddled site, I was able to download it but ended up with this…

cant be of help. I do have a mecool km6 and might give it a try after a few other projects end.

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Hi dannyg. The recent update has been pulled and your box should have returned to the previous version. That is what mine states, but changes were still made that I have reported as bugs directly to their support. Hopefully they can remedy the issues. However, out of three updates, two have been epic fails. That’s never a good sign. :no_entry_sign:

thanks for the info, i was worried about that update harming the buzztv5 , glad to hear that it just reverted back to last update. besides that im really liking mine and using it in my main room over my shield pro with tivimate. but they are very close in comparison. thanks again brotha

I have mecool km2 but don’t subscribe to Netflix . I subscribe to Skeleton Crew :grimacing: :beers:
:pirate_flag: Pete :pirate_flag:

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Has anyone been having the same problems with the Buzz U5 box
Cannot ck for updates
Cannot organize favorites
Cannot erase taped programs