Builds that work on Kodi 19.3


I understand, I get it’s a learning curve for some. I can appreciate the time it takes to learn and you are doing good.

What I mean is the troy app as a unlinked program. And there is a debloat tool.

For kodi, I would just install 19.3 and follow the guide for addon the crew oath and seren.

Builds take up space. Plenty of guides on here for unlinked and kodi no builds.

I hope this has helped.


I’ll work on that…thanks. I’ll repost to let you know when I straighten things out. Thanks for the pro tips… I appreciate it.

Willie75…thanks for your imput; appreciated.

Diggz Build works great for me. I had to reinstall once… I think they had an error as when I tried it on 3 different devices (4K FS, MeCool, etc) it didn’t take… then a few days later it installed OK. I think a link bug was fixed. I’ve tried a few other builds but the Diggz is the ‘prettiest’ and nicely laid out. Give it another whirl… am sure you’ll be pleased.

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Dracco…I solved my issue. All is now working. Thanks!



I’m happy your issue is resolved. Enjoy.

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